Createx Airbrush Colors Pearl Lime Ice, Gallon

Createx Airbrush Colors Pearl Lime Ice, Gallon


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Createx Airbrush Pearlized Colors are water-based, full bodied fluid acrylics suitable to be used for a variety of projects.  They use transparent, pearlescent powders and a durable resin which when applied to fabric feels soft to the touch and resists cracking.  Pearlescent Colors refract light and create brilliant effects when top-coated with a gloss clear such as Createx 4050 UVLS Gloss.

  • Best sprayed with an airbrush tip-size of 0.5mm at 35 – 45+ psi
  • Thin with 4011 Reducer for use with smaller tip-sizes and lower psi settings
  • Mix with 4030 Balancing Clear for improved adhesion & durability onto plastics and other hard surfaces. 
  • Best applied over white, grey or black base. 
  • Colors cover semi-opaque sprayed direct from the bottle.  
  • Refer to Createx Airbrush Colors Technical Data Sheet at for more info